AutoPad — Ambient Pad Loops is a music & audio app developed
by Audio Symmetric.
The APK has been available since November 2020.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 190 times.
It's highly ranked.
It's rated 3.79 out of 5 stars, based on 120 ratings.
The last update of the app was on August 2, 2022.
AutoPad — Ambient Pad Loops has a content rating
AutoPad — Ambient Pad Loops costs $4.99 to download.
AutoPad is the easiest way to bring ambient pad loops into your mix!
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Comments on AutoPad — Ambient Pad Loops for Android
Absolutely love the pad sounds, especially the "Grains capes" add-on pack. Other features such as control over the cross fade time and reverb are also very helpful. I am confused about the set list mode, however. I assumed a"song" would let me add multiple pads/notes and be able to step through them. It allows only a single note... It would be a great addition to allow a sequence of notes, even groups of notes for intro, verse, chorus, bridge and outro. Or perhaps the ability to set up loops.
Great user-friendly app! Love that the click and pads can be panned to be able to be used in dual mono via a splitter. That way, the band can have clicked and/or pads in our IEMs, while FOH only has pads going. Only suggestion would be that I could "save settings" with regards to the panning, so they don't have to be set up every time I open the app. Otherwise, great job!
Guys why is this app using up my battery when I don't use it? I haven't used it all day and my battery usage shows that it is used just as much power as an app that I've been using for an hour and a half and I haven't even opened the Auto Pad app at all. Please fix..... End of day Update: according to my batery usage it used more power than any app I used all day....what is wrong with this app?
This is a cool app and works for the most part. What doesn't work is the midi feature? I have the exact controller in one of his tutorial videos and followed what he taught to the letter and nope. The midi functions don't work. I then tried another controller and discovered the same thing. What a bummer.
UM.... WHAT?? ................................ SO I just bought this synth pad, and boy oh boy are their limitations. One, you can't export your music (or I guess, really : sounds) ... two, it looks like there's a way to sort of play a song you make, but even the user manual doesn't really go into how you can do that... so really, you're just making sounds, not really a song... which you can do with literally 100's of other Synth apps ... FOR FREE. . . . At least the pads sound pretty.
Great pads but shuts off when in the background. I run it on my tablet and I split screen between music stand and auto pad, and it has shut off midway through our Sunday set for a month straight. No matter if it's in the foreground or background it shuts off mid-set every time. Super frustrating because the interface is awesome, the pads are gorgeous, and the fader works so dang well, but it's basically unusable because it shuts off mid-service
Google Play Rankings for AutoPad — Ambient Pad Loops
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