BPM Tapper & Metronome is a music & audio app developed
by Vebjørn Kvisli.
The APK has been available since April 2018.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 0 times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.00 out of 5 stars, based on 30 ratings.
The last update of the app was on May 7, 2018.
BPM Tapper & Metronome has a content rating
BPM Tapper & Metronome has an APK download size of 2.80 MB and the latest version
is 1.3.
Designed for Android version 5.0+.
BPM Tapper & Metronome is FREE to download.
If you want to find the tempo of a song, heartbeat or something else, this app can help you! Tap along to the rhythm and see the beats per minute value.
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Use it only for metronome, 5 second beats, 12 per min, to time yoga positions. Default is 150 bpm and tricky but not difficult to reset each time I open the app. Also, would be good if I did not have to tap every so often to prevent phone from going to sleep. Some apps can override that
Best bpm tapper I've found. I like the ui, and that you can switch between
a rolling average and full average since last reset. Also love the
metronome with vibration, so you can check the tempo by feel. Wishlist: -
option to pay to remove ad at bottom (although the ad is pretty minimal) -
option to change the length of the window in the windowed average - the
slider in the metronome section is hard to use for fine adjustments. An
option to limit the range would help a lot :)
Nice app I checked few similar apps, but this is quick and accurate. Thanks. Would be nice if you could add phrase counter .4 beats that's a bar 4 or 8 bars that's phrase, length of the phrase should set manually. 5 stars from me
It is a foolish app because it should have scan songs BPM on your mobile
phone for beat matching instead, showing unnecessary things just wasting
peoples credit
Google Play Rankings
This app is not ranked
BPM Tapper & Metronome is requesting 6 permissions and is using 5 libraries.
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