Brain Waves - Binaural Beats is a health & fitness app developed
by MynioTech Apps.
The APK has been available since December 2014.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 4 thousand times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.06 out of 5 stars, based on 6.4 thousand ratings.
The last update of the app was on August 1, 2024.
Brain Waves - Binaural Beats has a content rating
Brain Waves - Binaural Beats has an APK download size of 10.97 MB and the latest version
is 8.1.0.
Designed for Android version 5.0+.
Brain Waves - Binaural Beats is FREE to download.
With this app you can easily generate pure waves that will stimulate your concentration, meditation or relaxation.
Av. Nereu Ramos, 75 D, Ed. Centro Profissional Chapecó (CPC) - Sala 107 CEP 89801-023, Centro, Chapecó
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As a current and NEW Pro customer, I thought the date of reviews could use a good refreshing! This app is exactly as all the previous positive comments have stated. The paltry $1.99 Pro upgrade is a no-brainer when you discover the tones are not pre-recorded waves AND can also overlap with any other music app like YouTube Music Premium. Now, the daily jazz playlist is super focused and provides a more productive work Lukeville experience! Try the free and just know you'll go pro level soon!
Best binaural app. No BS, simple and easy to tune and keep favored frequencies as presets. You want theta you get theta, not galaxy oreo solfeggio angel frequencies for manifesting your dead dogs' grandmother's recipe beats.
Bluetooth Connection - will not connect to Bluetooth on Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra. Please help! Especially since your app recommends listening via headphones. (This device does not have a headphone jack, only Bluetooth.)
They say they don't collect data for third parties. My phone has blocked over 150 attempts from Google through this app. It is fraudulent to say they don't when they do.
Not true binaural beats. My phone settings are set to stereo, but left frequency bleeds into right and right bleeds into the left. I even tested if my headphones were the problem by doing a left/right sound check, and it isn't my headphones or phone. Please fix your sound delivery, so it's TRUE stereo and TRUE binaural beats.
Google Play Rankings
This app is not ranked
Brain Waves - Binaural Beats is requesting 12 permissions and is using 30 libraries.
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