65,240 reviews
HCCBβs One-Stop online ordering platform exclusively for our retailers.
About Coke Buddy for HCCB
Coke Buddy for HCCB is a business app developed
by HCCB.
The APK has been available since June 2023.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 14 thousand times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.70 out of 5 stars, based on 65 thousand ratings. The last update of the app was on September 11, 2024. Coke Buddy for HCCB has a content rating "Everyone".
Coke Buddy for HCCB has an APK download size of 66.75 MB and the latest version available is 15.7.2. Coke Buddy for HCCB is FREE to download.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.70 out of 5 stars, based on 65 thousand ratings. The last update of the app was on September 11, 2024. Coke Buddy for HCCB has a content rating "Everyone".
Coke Buddy for HCCB has an APK download size of 66.75 MB and the latest version available is 15.7.2. Coke Buddy for HCCB is FREE to download.
More data about Coke Buddy for HCCB
Price | Free to download |
Total downloads | 500 thousand |
Recent downloads | 14 thousand |
Rating | 4.70 based on 65 thousand ratings |
Ranking | Not ranked |
Version | 15.7.2 |
APK size | 66.8 MB |
Number of libraries | ? |
Suitable for | Everyone |
Ads | NO ads |
Alternatives for the Coke Buddy for HCCB app
Coke Buddy for HCCB compared with similar apps
Common keywords of similar apps
Exclusively Personalised Suggestions Schemes Notifications Order Products Coke Buddy Retailers Online Ordering Platform History Latest Search Purchase Offers
Keywords missing from this app
App Store Shopping Dr Easy Delivery Orders Shop Time Experience Pickup Coffee Retailer Deals Stores Find Product Access Features Enjoy Special Customer Recent Add Buy Pick Home Total Beverage Cart Mobile Items Today Application Easily
Google Play Rating history and histogram
Downloads over time
Coke Buddy for HCCB has been downloaded 500 thousand times. Over the past 30 days, it averaged 470 downloads per day.
Changelog of Coke Buddy for HCCB
Developer information for HCCB
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EmbedComments on Coke Buddy for HCCB for Android
Worst app I have ever seen for dealers. First when you order from this app it will show great coupons and schemes but when the product gets delivered to you then scene is different. Your bill amount will get increased and scheme will be vanished and then no one will listen to you. They will just say scheme is not available now. Coke is totally a fraud company now and there employees are there means to do fraud works
Unable to register through mobile Call customer support much time nobody responded Somebody guide me how to register
Application me scheme show Karti hai woh milti nahi hai
Worsted app, all fake orders, genuine orders not delivered
Google Play Rankings for Coke Buddy for HCCB
This app is not ranked
Technologies used by Coke Buddy for HCCB
Coke Buddy for HCCB is requesting 31 permissions and we don't have library information (yet).Show details
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