161 reviews
Find, collect & match 3D items in an awesome puzzle game & enjoy fun levels!
About Collect 3D - Find Match Items
Collect 3D - Find Match Items is a puzzle game developed
by Connectinno.
The APK has been available since May 2023.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 2.1 thousand times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.27 out of 5 stars, based on 160 ratings. The last update of the app was on December 27, 2023. Collect 3D - Find Match Items has a content rating "Everyone".
Collect 3D - Find Match Items has an APK download size of 138.10 MB and the latest version available is 1.26. Collect 3D - Find Match Items is FREE to download.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.27 out of 5 stars, based on 160 ratings. The last update of the app was on December 27, 2023. Collect 3D - Find Match Items has a content rating "Everyone".
Collect 3D - Find Match Items has an APK download size of 138.10 MB and the latest version available is 1.26. Collect 3D - Find Match Items is FREE to download.
More data about Collect 3D - Find Match Items
Price | Free to download |
Total downloads | 77 thousand |
Recent downloads | 2.1 thousand |
Rating | 4.27 based on 160 ratings |
Ranking | Not ranked |
Version | 1.26 |
APK size | 138.1 MB |
Number of libraries | ? |
Suitable for | Everyone |
Ads | Contains ads |
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Triple Master Tile Time Tiles Easy Pairs Skills Features Connect Challenge Playing Screen Pair Train Hidden Animals Object Zen Sorting Food
More from Connectinno
Google Play Rating history and histogram
Downloads over time
Collect 3D - Find Match Items has been downloaded 77 thousand times. Over the past 30 days, it averaged 72 downloads per day.
Developer information for Connectinno
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EmbedComments for Android
Fun game, great way to pass time in a pinch
It's like any other game. WITH LESS TO NO ADS It's great for passing time, boring for the beginning, and gets a bit hard the further in you go. There's little to no ads I don't really see issues yet. If I do, my rating will change.
It is a very fun game, easy to play as well as earn tools to use per level. Not very challenging but worth the download. Not like other games very uplifting and easy going. Thank you.
I was loving this game but longer I played more andore was added too much and not enough Tim e
Cute game, BUT then you are filling the board with more and more stuff, making it impossible to see what I'm looking for. You NEED to allow us to pull other stuff Off the board, so we can see better. I'm probably going to erase because it's very frustrating.
Google Play Rankings
This app is not ranked
Collect 3D - Find Match Items is requesting 15 permissions and we don't have library information (yet).Show details
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