406 reviews
Dinosaur games for hunting game lovers! Enjoy dino hunting to become dino hunter
About Dinosaur Hunter Survival Game
Dinosaur Hunter Survival Game is a casual game developed
by Capstone Studios.
The APK has been available since November 2019.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 1.4 thousand times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 3.95 out of 5 stars, based on 410 ratings. The last update of the app was on October 13, 2023. Dinosaur Hunter Survival Game has a content rating "Medium Maturity".
Dinosaur Hunter Survival Game has an APK download size of 65.78 MB and the latest version available is 4.4. Designed for Android version 4.4+. Dinosaur Hunter Survival Game is FREE to download.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 3.95 out of 5 stars, based on 410 ratings. The last update of the app was on October 13, 2023. Dinosaur Hunter Survival Game has a content rating "Medium Maturity".
Dinosaur Hunter Survival Game has an APK download size of 65.78 MB and the latest version available is 4.4. Designed for Android version 4.4+. Dinosaur Hunter Survival Game is FREE to download.
More data about Dinosaur Hunter Survival Game
Price | Free to download |
Total downloads | 510 thousand |
Recent downloads | 1.4 thousand |
Rating | 3.95 based on 410 ratings |
Ranking | Not ranked |
Version | 4.4 |
APK size | 65.8 MB |
Number of libraries | 20 |
Designed for Android | 4.4+ |
Maturity | Medium Maturity |
Ads | Contains ads |
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Dinosaur Hunter Survival Game compared with similar apps
Keywords that only this app has
Lovers Battle Unique Modes Pro Embark Explore Challenging Prepare Purely Designed Challenges Bullets Save Dinos
Common keywords of similar apps
Dinosaur Game Hunter Hunting Games Shooting Dino Real Survival Deadly Killing Jungle Wild Gun Offline Animal Dinosaurs World Simulator Environment Shores Adventure Safari Realistic Shooter Guns Animals Sniper Enjoy Skills Zoo Jurassic Free Thrilling Attack
Keywords missing from this app
Hunt Deer Play Fps Time Carnivores Experience Killer Weapons Ready Kill Aim Shoot Top
More from Capstone Studios
Google Play Rating history and histogram
Downloads over time
Dinosaur Hunter Survival Game has been downloaded 510 thousand times. Over the past 30 days, it averaged 48 downloads per day.
Developer information for Capstone Studios
Plaza#246, Spring North Bahira Town, Phase 7 Bahira Town Intellectual Village, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Islamabad Capital Territory 51000
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EmbedComments for Android
Deadly dinosaurs hunting adventure is very amazing and wonderful gameplay I really like to play this game in my free time
Deadly dinosaur shooting game world, hunt out dangerous dino and make them your prey from the predators in real jungle environment. We give rate at 5 stars try it must everyone easy to use and install.
Every time I play ad is coming. Worst game ever don't play this game.
To many adds, add pops up after every selection you make I had watch 3 adds before getting to even play the first level. And there are adds just sitting there over half the screen, so you can see what's going on anyway. Don't waste your time on this rubbish.
I don't recommend it the graphics aren't that good and the guns yuck. Only reason I play is because dino hunter deadly shores is not on my device.
Google Play Rankings
This app is not ranked
Dinosaur Hunter Survival Game is requesting 7 permissions and is using 21 libraries.Show details
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