Dreemz – Bring dreams to life is a social app developed
by Dreemz.
The APK has been available since June 2024.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 3.8 thousand times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 3.61 out of 5 stars, based on 140 ratings.
The last update of the app was on October 29, 2024.
Dreemz – Bring dreams to life has a content rating
"Medium Maturity".
Dreemz – Bring dreams to life has an APK download size of 82.17 MB and the latest version
is 1.0.48.
Dreemz – Bring dreams to life is FREE to download.
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Comments on Dreemz – Bring dreams to life for Android
Super cool positive social platform! It's about achieving and fulfilling our dreams and supporting others and their goals! Also with AiI helper to break down my dream and break it down to achievable milestones. Amazing
Dreams loves similar like a livestream. I wish you guys can add a livestream with a party room, but I still love the app.
Traffic idea, still in early development. רעיון מדהים, עדיין בשלבי פיתוח מוקדמים.
Dreams without facts are just dreams. I wish that the AI person would have given resources instead of mental mentorship. Don't misunderstand, my mind is going in so many different directions, and I'm trying to narrow it down. I need resources to illustrate my otherwise what is the use of having a dream? What is the use of having an app if you do not give out resources?? I would appreciate it if you look into that. Very much so. Sometimes advice or resources sometimes resources are the advice
I just download the most absurd apps on here so if you see me well that tells you enough. This is very absurd. I mean going through the screenshots. My house is on fire. Please marry me is what I truly meant out of 10
It's a sweet idea the pieces are there but IDK if it's supposed to be this way or not, but it's full of super religious people, not positive people just following their dreams. I mean I just saw someone post a weird pov video of a goat devil trying to taunt the viewer and then vanquishing him with the thought of God who happens to be a really terrifying disembodied head that pops out at you. I thought this app was for supporting each other in like making a business not fighting the devil.
You know why they call it the American Dream? Because you gotta be asleep to believe it. -George Carlin, American Stand-Up Comedian
Google Play Rankings for Dreemz – Bring dreams to life
This app is not ranked
Technologies used by Dreemz – Bring dreams to life
Dreemz – Bring dreams to life is requesting 17 permissions and we don't have library information (yet).
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