658 reviews
Easy Universal TV Remote allows you use your phone as a universal remote
About Easy Universal TV Remote
Easy Universal TV Remote is a tools app developed
by Old Fashion Apps.
The APK has been available since May 2021.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 470 times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.22 out of 5 stars, based on 660 ratings. The last update of the app was on December 1, 2021. Easy Universal TV Remote has a content rating "Everyone".
Easy Universal TV Remote has an APK download size of 13.36 MB and the latest version available is 2. Designed for Android version 7.0+. Easy Universal TV Remote is FREE to download.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.22 out of 5 stars, based on 660 ratings. The last update of the app was on December 1, 2021. Easy Universal TV Remote has a content rating "Everyone".
Easy Universal TV Remote has an APK download size of 13.36 MB and the latest version available is 2. Designed for Android version 7.0+. Easy Universal TV Remote is FREE to download.
More data about Easy Universal TV Remote
Price | Free to download |
Total downloads | 52 thousand |
Recent downloads | 470 |
Rating | 4.22 based on 660 ratings |
Ranking | Not ranked |
Version | 2 |
APK size | 13.4 MB |
Number of libraries | 33 |
Designed for Android | 7.0+ |
Suitable for | Everyone |
Ads | Contains ads |
Alternatives for the Easy Universal TV Remote app
Easy Universal TV Remote compared with similar apps
Common keywords of similar apps
Port Compatible Tv Remote Control Universal Ir Phone App Blaster Wifi Easy Tvs Lg Samsung Sony Panasonic
Keywords missing from this app
Smart Device Brands Screen Roku Free Volume Controller Network Mobile Devices Tcl Vizio Hisense Easily Smartphone Fire Channels Interface Mirroring Connect Feature Features Experience Access Television Turn Support Videos Infrared Search Content Brand Setup
More from Old Fashion Apps
Google Play Rating history and histogram
Downloads over time
Easy Universal TV Remote has been downloaded 52 thousand times. Over the past 30 days, it averaged 16 downloads per day.
Changelog of Easy Universal TV Remote
Developer information for Old Fashion Apps
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EmbedComments on Easy Universal TV Remote for Android
I love app but every button preesd an ad pops up
Testing, Testing on an old Toshiba w515 VCR.
The only one on Google that gave me a remote on my screen after 3 add. No other universal remotes offered me a remote no matter how many ads I had to go through. They were all malware after my money.
Hard to use. I couldn't get my TV to work with this. And it has a bunch of ads! Annoying!
The app is so worse that it doesn't even deserve to be awarded half a star not to talk of a star itself
Can't Even figure out if the app works because it has a hundred ads before you even get to the actual app if I can't even get to it to use it because of all the ads you got in the way there's no point in having it on my phone
App had a long chain of adds. Never was able to use it. Probably just trying to make money by having users watch adds until they dump his app.
Google Play Rankings for Easy Universal TV Remote
This app is not ranked
Technologies used by Easy Universal TV Remote
Easy Universal TV Remote is requesting 32 permissions and is using 34 libraries.Show details
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