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Education app that helps you to learn English easily with Bahasa Malaysia.
About English Senang Jek!
English Senang Jek! is an education app developed
by SAN.
The APK has been available since July 2016.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 660 times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
The app has no ratings yet. The last update of the app was on July 10, 2022. English Senang Jek! has a content rating "Everyone".
English Senang Jek! has an APK download size of 27.75 MB and the latest version available is 2.4. Designed for Android version 4.4+. English Senang Jek! is FREE to download.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
The app has no ratings yet. The last update of the app was on July 10, 2022. English Senang Jek! has a content rating "Everyone".
English Senang Jek! has an APK download size of 27.75 MB and the latest version available is 2.4. Designed for Android version 4.4+. English Senang Jek! is FREE to download.
More data about English Senang Jek!
Price | Free to download |
Total downloads | 410 thousand |
Recent downloads | 660 |
Rating | No ratings |
Ranking | Not ranked |
Version | 2.4 |
APK size | 27.7 MB |
Number of libraries | 20 |
Designed for Android | 4.4+ |
Suitable for | Everyone |
Ads | Contains ads |
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Keywords that only this app has
English Boleh Ataupun Inggeris Perkataan Malaysia Edukasi Tahap Orang Kaji Selain Daripada Ejaan Betul Kerana Mempunyai Salah Menguji
Common keywords of similar apps
Anda Belajar Yang Dengan Ini Bahasa Aplikasi Cara Untuk Dapat Kata Juga Membaca Dalam Tidak
Keywords missing from this app
Dan Inggris Tenses Arab Adalah Atau Indonesia Bermain Secil Di Mudah Continuous Perfect Past Future Akan Menarik Membantu Fitur Pada Kamus Huruf Serial Percakapan Latihan Cepat Dari Dilengkapi Offline Recent Anak Ada Marbel
More from SAN
Downloads over time
English Senang Jek! has been downloaded 410 thousand times. Over the past 30 days, it averaged 22 downloads per day.
Developer information for SAN
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EmbedComments for Android
It's great to have this app because I can learn a lot of things
Good for children and good games I love these games. I hope you all likes this games🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Ugh why this app so good? You guys need to download it doesn't uninstall it ok? Bye saying... 🤍💙🖤
Google Play Rankings
This app is not ranked
English Senang Jek! is requesting 7 permissions and is using 21 libraries.Show details
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