Kataho (कताहो) is a maps & navigation app developed
by Ramlaxman Group.
The APK has been available since August 2024.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 3.2 thousand times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 3.88 out of 5 stars, based on 170 ratings.
The last update of the app was on November 12, 2024.
Kataho (कताहो) has a content rating
Kataho (कताहो) has an APK download size of 13.95 MB and the latest version
is 3.1.241113.
Kataho (कताहो) is FREE to download.
Kataho (Kata ho) (कताहो) (कता हो) is the comprehensive address management solution designed to revolutionize the way you navigate and share locations in Native language (Nepali).
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Offline experience. So nice to use it and offline google map. Navigation possible without internet. Keep the good work.
Great offline mapping app—accurate, easy to use, with real-time traffic and offline maps. Perfect for smooth navigation anywhere! Available in both nepali and English language. I suggest everyone to use this app
The location services are spot on. Great app
App Tikki cha tara Google map ho yo nothing else
Overall, an amazing app with so many helpful features. Highly recommend Kataho
This app use data from OpenStreetMap but doe snot credit them according to OpenStreetMap copyright policy.
Copied idea doesn't work. They steal the idea from Ramro Postal Service.
Places already in Google Maps are missing here, map data is way too old, i don't even see the thing I would like to mark on the map, Unique identifier text are misleading and confusing. A good attempt and effort but could be better. - it is already in Google Maps, I already have toggled every thing to see if it helps, The map data is old my building and factory were build 9 years ago it is there in the Google Maps but on your map data it is missing. I can not place marker on the missing place
No options of 0 stars very time waste apps. Different time different name and code number provided and also take fee for palte. Better than g It's Google Maps. Google Maps best . Boring apps, I have some clips of different locations and names taking by kataho
Google Play Rankings
This app is not ranked
Technologies used by Kataho (कताहो)
Kataho (कताहो) is requesting 22 permissions and we don't have library information (yet).
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