KeePassDroid is a tools app developed
by Brian Pellin.
The APK has been available since before 2010.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 3 thousand times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 3.95 out of 5 stars, based on 35 thousand ratings.
The last update of the app was on October 6, 2022.
KeePassDroid has a content rating
KeePassDroid has an APK download size of 7.68 MB and the latest version
is 2.6.8.
Designed for Android version 4.0+.
KeePassDroid is FREE to download.
KeePassDroid is an implementation of the KeePass Password Safe for Android.
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Been using this in combination with my database on Dropbox to access for almost ten years!
Have been using the app for a few years and find it simple and reliable. I use it for online and offline password tracking, and sometimes I find it difficult to figure out '1' vs 'l' and also '0' zero vs cap o 'O'. Maybe keepass can consider changing the password fonts to make it easier to differentiate between the characters. Also, the password generator can be improved so that all generated passwords meet the criteria set by the users e.g. alphanumeric with special characters.
KeePass is excellent. I've been using it for years. However, please fix the android app. I haven't been able to create and update records for years (and yes, the app is always updated).
KeePassDroid has been great for years, but there is a recent issue that has made it completely unusable. Any time I update my password vault through KeePassDroid, the database becomes corrupt and the password vault auto-closes. I have to manually restore the database from my computer and make the updates there. It essentially makes the vault read-only. I can't tell if it is caused by KeePassDroid or if there are conflicts with Strongbox on my Mac.
Would give it 4 stars if it supported android autofill only it does not, and I will not use a password manager that can't autofill passwords that are complex. Sorry developers, But with today's complex passwords that are required for security it's impossible to not use an autofill service get on the game and put it in there. Has Samsung Galaxy S21 with android 13 and android autofill service does not offer the option to use this software for autofill. Presently, I use Keepass2Android.
WARNING: it corrupts the Database if you put it on OneDrive. I have used this app for years with no problem at all, but once I moved the Keepass Database on OneDrive and accessed the database directly from this app, the app corrupted it on first save. Now I can't open the file with any app, it can't be opened anymore even with the original KeePass app for Windows. Luckily I have a backup copy of the database otherwise I would have lost all my passwords.
Google Play Rankings
This app is not ranked
KeePassDroid is requesting 5 permissions and is using 26 libraries.
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