Knights of Pen & Paper 2: RPG is a role playing game developed
by Northica.
The APK has been available since May 2015.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 17 thousand times.
It's ranked in the top 500.
It's rated 4.43 out of 5 stars, based on 130 thousand ratings.
The last update of the app was on November 7, 2024.
Knights of Pen & Paper 2: RPG has a content rating
"Low Maturity".
Knights of Pen & Paper 2: RPG has an APK download size of 107.47 MB and the latest version
is 2.17.1.
Designed for Android version 5.1+.
Knights of Pen & Paper 2: RPG is FREE to download.
"It does give that Dungeons & Dragons feel that we love"
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Comments on Knights of Pen & Paper 2: RPG for Android
Starts out as a lovely game with a bit of a learning curve in terms of UI (there is a guide, but it is tucked away). The writing is cute and familiar for table-top RPG players. Unfortunately, death is punishing, and progress is slow - you grind weak enemies because "on-level" enemies can kill most characters in one lucky shot, and a single death would cost you all of that progression in revival fees. It gets better once you have unlocked and equipped your full party.
Ok first time ever leaving a comment. Good game no ads unless for goodies. Simple fun game. Thank you who ever did this.
Awesome! Brilliant! 10 pink troglodytes/10. Party: 73lvl+ new game plus. All expansions unlocked free in 2 months by everyday challenge+ads. Im ready to new game +++ (plus plus plus). Awesome!!! Dear developers, could you make a purchase of crystals for gold. At least at the price of 1 crystal for 5-10k coins?
Basic mechanics don't work. Mage with 2(3%) threat constantly dies on first round of attacks when paired with a counterattack based tank with over 50(97%) threat. Have no faith other stats/skills aren't broken and considering the game is almost 7 years old this should have been fixed 7 years ago. KOPP1 was so much better than this pile of garbage.
This game used to be awesome. Then they switched owners or something and now after every quest you are hit with an ad. If you don't leave the reward menu fast enough that's another ad. They added diamonds, but it's incredibly hard to get enough to buy things that used to only cost gold. This game has been ruined by greed.
I played this game a long time ago and since then they have removed the option to restore purchases. Their I'm seeing ads all the time and will not be playing it anymore.
Google Play Rankings for Knights of Pen & Paper 2: RPG
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