8,634 reviews
A lightweight & smooth Launcher application
About Launcher OS 18
Launcher OS 18 is a personalization app developed
by GriceMobile.
The APK has been available since 7 weeks ago.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 210 thousand times.
It's highly ranked.
It's rated 4.23 out of 5 stars, based on 8.6 thousand ratings. The last update of the app was on October 7, 2024. Launcher OS 18 has a content rating "Everyone".
Launcher OS 18 has an APK download size of 12.51 MB and the latest version available is 4.10.1. Launcher OS 18 is FREE to download.
It's highly ranked.
It's rated 4.23 out of 5 stars, based on 8.6 thousand ratings. The last update of the app was on October 7, 2024. Launcher OS 18 has a content rating "Everyone".
Launcher OS 18 has an APK download size of 12.51 MB and the latest version available is 4.10.1. Launcher OS 18 is FREE to download.
More data about Launcher OS 18
Price | Free to download |
Total downloads | 310 thousand |
Recent downloads | 210 thousand |
Rating | 4.23 based on 8.6 thousand ratings |
Ranking | Highly ranked |
Version | 4.10.1 |
APK size | 12.5 MB |
Number of libraries | ? |
Suitable for | Everyone |
Ads | Contains ads |
Alternatives for the Launcher OS 18 app
More from GriceMobile
Google Play Rating history and histogram
Downloads over time
Launcher OS 18 has been downloaded 310 thousand times. Over the past 30 days, it averaged 7.1 thousand downloads per day.
Changelog of Launcher OS 18
Developer information for GriceMobile
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EmbedComments on Launcher OS 18 for Android
Still using the app, I find it gratefully
wow nice 👍🙂 and beautiful 😍 And God job
It is good but, I was wondering if you could add the app tinting or dark mode, that would be much appreciated
If the launcher would be able to keep the range of apps, it would be the best!
It has good features.I really like and am I enjoying it
Google Play Rankings for Launcher OS 18
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Ranking history in Iran
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Technologies used by Launcher OS 18
Launcher OS 18 is requesting 34 permissions and we don't have library information (yet).Show details
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