530 reviews
MabrookPrime is a Mobile VoIP dialer application that allows to make VoIP calls.
About Mabrook Prime
Mabrook Prime is a communication app developed
by Digitelecom.
The APK has been available since February 2019.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 37 times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.40 out of 5 stars, based on 530 ratings. The last update of the app was on February 27, 2019. Mabrook Prime has a content rating "Medium Maturity".
Mabrook Prime has an APK download size of 5.14 MB and the latest version available is 2.1.6. Designed for Android version 4.1+. Mabrook Prime is FREE to download.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.40 out of 5 stars, based on 530 ratings. The last update of the app was on February 27, 2019. Mabrook Prime has a content rating "Medium Maturity".
Mabrook Prime has an APK download size of 5.14 MB and the latest version available is 2.1.6. Designed for Android version 4.1+. Mabrook Prime is FREE to download.
More data about Mabrook Prime
Price | Free to download |
Total downloads | 240 thousand |
Recent downloads | 37 |
Rating | 4.40 based on 530 ratings |
Ranking | Not ranked |
Version | 2.1.6 |
APK size | 5.14 MB |
Number of libraries | 3 |
Designed for Android | 4.1+ |
Maturity | Medium Maturity |
Ads | NO ads |
Alternatives for the Mabrook Prime app
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Google Play Rating history and histogram
Downloads over time
Mabrook Prime has been downloaded 240 thousand times. Over the past 30 days, it has been downloaded 37 times.
Changelog of Mabrook Prime
Developer information for Digitelecom
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EmbedComments on Mabrook Prime for Android
It's not working now when am I making call it doesn't go forbidden what's the problem plz rectify it still I have $7.25bal but still not working
Very nice TO Connect with you family and friends, Thanks. Mabrook
Galore is not being used Please give us some information about it, I have been waiting for 3 days, why not getting calls
This App is not working in my Android 5g phone. I don't know what I have to do. Can you guide me?
Don't use this card ever, utterly wrost card, unfortunately I buy this card and I tried to call india but connection no get properly and also sound quality very, very poor, unable to hear the sound, that's why I requesting all of you don't buy this card ever....
Google Play Rankings for Mabrook Prime
This app is not ranked
Technologies used by Mabrook Prime
Mabrook Prime is requesting 17 permissions and is using 6 libraries.Show details
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