Music Night All Mod Test&Color is a music game developed
by Kaze Games.
The APK has been available since December 2021.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 1.9 thousand times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.13 out of 5 stars, based on 1.5 thousand ratings.
The last update of the app was on October 10, 2024.
Music Night All Mod Test&Color has a content rating
"Medium Maturity".
Music Night All Mod Test&Color has an APK download size of 60.64 MB and the latest version
is 19.
Designed for Android version 4.4+.
Music Night All Mod Test&Color is FREE to download.
Music Night All Mod Test&Color offers two exciting modes that blend creativity and rhythm, perfect for fans who love to engage with their favorite mods throughout the week.
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Comments on Music Night All Mod Test&Color for Android
I love this game because it's fun but the long sound it's just boring, but I do love the characters especially sarvente girlfriend and Monica ooh and carol and sky
EZ Game Solo 😎 you can open game is obligated you have any suitable job in your country or no Arabia tel roaming the streets and friends go to the go ahead for me to do what is necessary for me to the attached document for the attached document and my wife is obligated you have any suitable job opportunity you gave to you for blockman you for your account HLOWWYN GOOD you for blockman you can get it to the go ahead and friends is gone to the go ahead and friends is gone to the go ahead and friends is gone
So there's a friday night funkin game that has a different name called "monday night murder." The characters are named uzi, serial designation N serial designation V and serial designation J khan, thad and more but just add the ones that I have called out
What about tails knuckles but tails and knuckles need to de EXE I know that knuckles is really hard.
You don't even get to sing it's horrible you don't even get to play a song it's horrendous and every almost every single time you get out or get in out of something it literally just plays it in ahead so do not play this game and people who think it's creepy well it's not creepy oh my gosh it's so annoying it's just annoying annoying annoying and knowing and knowing it doesn't stop getting annoying it's just plain annoying you can barely even do anything so do not Play this game It's annoying
This game has horrible graphics, Some of the sounds don't even match the character's voice in the original game. Especially because the way that the characters move is really slow and glitches a lot. I was just about to open the app until I got kicked out which is why I Uninstall this game because it's really, really bad, Also I don't get Why you have to Watching ad just to play with the character, Please do not download this app if you want to experience what I experienced
The game is ok I just doesn't sound like them and try to add a make your own character
Google Play Rankings for Music Night All Mod Test&Color
This app is not ranked
Technologies used by Music Night All Mod Test&Color
Music Night All Mod Test&Color is requesting 8 permissions and is using 13 libraries.
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