459 reviews
Action platformer adventure game with little influence from Metroidvania
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About Narrow Dark Cave 2d pixel game
Narrow Dark Cave 2d pixel game is an action game developed
by TNMD.
The APK has been available since July 2022.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 1.5 thousand times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 3.88 out of 5 stars, based on 460 ratings. The last update of the app was on September 17, 2023. Narrow Dark Cave 2d pixel game has a content rating "Low Maturity".
Narrow Dark Cave 2d pixel game has an APK download size of 91.17 MB and the latest version available is 0.3. Designed for Android version 6.0+. Narrow Dark Cave 2d pixel game is FREE to download.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 3.88 out of 5 stars, based on 460 ratings. The last update of the app was on September 17, 2023. Narrow Dark Cave 2d pixel game has a content rating "Low Maturity".
Narrow Dark Cave 2d pixel game has an APK download size of 91.17 MB and the latest version available is 0.3. Designed for Android version 6.0+. Narrow Dark Cave 2d pixel game is FREE to download.
More data about Narrow Dark Cave 2d pixel game
Price | Free to download |
Total downloads | 76 thousand |
Recent downloads | 1.5 thousand |
Rating | 3.88 based on 460 ratings |
Ranking | Not ranked |
Version | 0.3 |
APK size | 91.2 MB |
Number of libraries | 2 |
Designed for Android | 6.0+ |
Maturity | Low Maturity |
Ads | Contains ads |
More from TNMD
Google Play Rating history and histogram
Downloads over time
Narrow Dark Cave 2d pixel game has been downloaded 76 thousand times. Over the past 30 days, it averaged 50 downloads per day.
Changelog of Narrow Dark Cave 2d pixel game
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EmbedComments on Narrow Dark Cave 2d pixel game for Android
I absolutely love it this is a fun game I love it so much I think it just released, so I thought I should try it, and it's actually so much fun 😊😌 I will 100% rating it 5⭐
Nice to know that made by only one man. But the parkour can be easy and checkpoints r to way away.!!!
I saw your project, I saw your work, I can believe you did it, WELL DONE ✅
Very nice game the music is very good and the dark cave look nice. The boss fight was very easy.
Amazing game except the jump there's no animation on it if you add some it will look great
You didn't even try with the name, the games impossible and not fun at all everything you ever lived for is a lie.
Google Play Rankings for Narrow Dark Cave 2d pixel game
This app is not ranked
Technologies used by Narrow Dark Cave 2d pixel game
Narrow Dark Cave 2d pixel game is requesting 3 permissions and is using 3 libraries.Show details
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