1,365 reviews
A fun and educational game for kids 1-3 years old!
About Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game
Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game is an education app developed
by Tappy Happy kids apps & games for kids.
The APK has been available since December 2014.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 3.8 thousand times.
It's ranked in the top 500.
It's rated 3.64 out of 5 stars, based on 1.4 thousand ratings. The last update of the app was on February 6, 2023. Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game has a content rating "Low Maturity".
Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game has an APK download size of 42.20 MB and the latest version available is 1.25. Designed for Android version 4.4+. Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game is FREE to download.
It's ranked in the top 500.
It's rated 3.64 out of 5 stars, based on 1.4 thousand ratings. The last update of the app was on February 6, 2023. Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game has a content rating "Low Maturity".
Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game has an APK download size of 42.20 MB and the latest version available is 1.25. Designed for Android version 4.4+. Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game is FREE to download.
More data about Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game
Price | Free to download |
Total downloads | 1.1 million |
Recent downloads | 3.8 thousand |
Rating | 3.64 based on 1.4 thousand ratings |
Ranking | Medium ranked |
Version | 1.25 |
APK size | 42.2 MB |
Number of libraries | 11 |
Designed for Android | 4.4+ |
Maturity | Low Maturity |
Ads | NO ads |
Alternatives for the Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game app
Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game compared with similar apps
Keywords that only this app has
Peekaboo English Animations Tested Includes Carefully Apps Vehicles Instruments Effects Language
Common keywords of similar apps
Kids Years Game Animals Fun Cars Toddlers Games Children Music Sound Free Educational Animal Year Learn Sounds
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Baby Puzzles Play Learning Toddler Puzzle App Phone Kid Child Farm Olds Skills Boys Girls Family Memory Recent Motor Babies Ads Version Enjoy Playing Time Jigsaw Explore Cute Names Features Hours Shapes Listen
More from Tappy Happy kids apps & games for kids
Google Play Rating history and histogram
Downloads over time
Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game has been downloaded 1.1 million times. Over the past 30 days, it averaged 130 downloads per day.
Developer information for Tappy Happy kids apps & games for kids
Tappy Happy kids apps & games for kids
Tulegatan 15, 4 tr
c/o Winston
111 53 Stockholm
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EmbedComments on Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game for Android
My little girl absolutely loves loves loves this app, and she's 18 months old I highly recommend this app thank you for making my daughter so, so happy x
My 1 and a half year old absolutely loves this app, and it keeps him entertained for ages. 6 months on and he still enjoys it so thank you! No ads so I can just trust him with my phone
My daughter loves this game so much that we have it on multiple devices. Some of the pictures just seem wrong though (flute, boat, chicken come to mind).
I wanted to buy the full version for my son, but the game is not family
library compatible.
Paid $4.23 for "all categories" May 5, 2021, still shows as free version. My 3 yr old grandson is mad. He loved the game so I paid to unlock
If you change your smartphone and reinstall the game, it does not give you the already paid full version it only the free version and there's no way in app or play store to restore previous purchase. Although the game itself is really nice for the kids.
Google Play Rankings
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Ranking history in Sweden
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Technologies used by Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game
Peekaboo Kids - Kids Game is requesting 3 permissions and is using 12 libraries.Show details
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