S Wallet is a finance app developed
by Samsung Electronics Türkiye.
The APK has been available since May 2023.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 11 thousand times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 3.11 out of 5 stars, based on 700 ratings.
The last update of the app was on November 21, 2024.
S Wallet has a content rating
S Wallet has an APK download size of 68.16 MB and the latest version
is 1.6.2.
S Wallet is FREE to download.
S Wallet: It is a mobile wallet application exclusive to Samsung users that allows making online or contactless payments.
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Thank you, Samsung Türkiye, although it's not Samsung wallet but, it's working, and I'm using my watch to pay. I had a technical problem with wireless payment at the start, I called the support team and the fixed it.
İts soo great and you can use it on your watch without bringing your bank card, but you must charg your wallet every timr and it's not connected to your bank
So first of all Samsung is absolutely the bomb! I have used Samsung for a long time and will always use them, so I have not experienced an app yet that I don't enjoy in some way, so this wallet app is great
I've used the app for a while. It is definitely not the Google Pay, not even close. This is the app where you're transferring the money with the fees, of course, instead of using your banking cards. Be aware that once you are registered, you shouldn't log out. The app is requiring TC passport, not the ikamet, which happened to me, so I've lost the money. The support is telling, "say goodbye" to your money as well. But I did one time shoping with the watch. So good luck to everyone
It's a monopoly! They won't let use your own cards, instead they will force you to use a card issued from İş bank. No one should use it. I can't believe that Samsung had agreed with the cheap monopoly of İş bank in Türkiye.
Not user-friendly. Every time I want to make contactless payment with my watch I have to open it from my phone. The wearable device payment is open for a very short time like 2sec. I want to open it and remain open all the time except if I want to close it manually. This is so far away from the experience we want. Please make this contactless payment option for wearables permanent and manual. If I need to open it from my phone every time why I am using my watch for payments??
Google Play Rankings
This app is not ranked
S Wallet is requesting 24 permissions and we don't have library information (yet).
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