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About Santander Brasil
Santander Brasil is a finance app developed
by Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A..
The APK has been available since August 2011.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 940 thousand times.
It's top ranked.
It's rated 4.56 out of 5 stars, based on 4.5 million ratings. The last update of the app was on September 20, 2024. Santander Brasil has a content rating "Everyone".
Santander Brasil has an APK download size of 121.71 MB and the latest version available is Designed for Android version 5.0+. Santander Brasil is FREE to download.
It's top ranked.
It's rated 4.56 out of 5 stars, based on 4.5 million ratings. The last update of the app was on September 20, 2024. Santander Brasil has a content rating "Everyone".
Santander Brasil has an APK download size of 121.71 MB and the latest version available is Designed for Android version 5.0+. Santander Brasil is FREE to download.
More data about Santander Brasil
Price | Free to download |
Total downloads | 82 million |
Recent downloads | 940 thousand |
Rating | 4.56 based on 4.5 million ratings |
Ranking | Top ranked |
Version | |
APK size | 121.7 MB |
Number of libraries | 57 |
Designed for Android | 5.0+ |
Suitable for | Everyone |
Ads | Contains ads |
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Keywords missing from this app
Em Digital Mais Sem Da Uma Ou Um Pagamentos Boletos Por Dinheiro Pagar Contas Nova Serasa Pode Suas Cashback Fazer Pj Picpay Na Muito Tenha Os Financeira Empresas Seus Inter Investimentos Baixe
More from Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A.
App Achievements
#28 in Finance Apps
#27 | bKash | |
#28 | Santander Brasil | |
#29 | Groww Stocks, Mutual Fund, IPO |
Google Play Rating history and histogram
Downloads over time
Santander Brasil has been downloaded 82 million times. Over the past 30 days, it averaged 31 thousand downloads per day.
Developer information for Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A.
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EmbedComments for Android
After this latest update, when logging in, the app was crashing and force closing. I had to uninstall and install it again to get it to work.
Sufficient for every necessity, worth of trust.
Unbelievably broken. It got me so annoyed with its bugs (synchronization ones for one) that it has literally made me close my account. Terrible experience, awful service on all branches.
Why does this app need access to my camera and managing my phone calls? Like, I would under sting something like while using the app, but this is not the case. If you deny access to phone calls the app won't even open. Extremely lazy and fishy development
Google Play Rankings
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Ranking history in Brazil
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