7,230 reviews
Create your own house with the mini sets and accessories available for you.
About Small People House Decoration
Small People House Decoration is a casual game developed
by bweb media.
The APK has been available since February 2014.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 1.1 thousand times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 3.64 out of 5 stars, based on 7.2 thousand ratings. The last update of the app was on January 23, 2023. Small People House Decoration has a content rating "Medium Maturity".
Small People House Decoration has an APK download size of 29.71 MB and the latest version available is 1.5.0. Designed for Android version 4.0+. Small People House Decoration is FREE to download.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 3.64 out of 5 stars, based on 7.2 thousand ratings. The last update of the app was on January 23, 2023. Small People House Decoration has a content rating "Medium Maturity".
Small People House Decoration has an APK download size of 29.71 MB and the latest version available is 1.5.0. Designed for Android version 4.0+. Small People House Decoration is FREE to download.
More data about Small People House Decoration
Price | Free to download |
Total downloads | 1.5 million |
Recent downloads | 1.1 thousand |
Rating | 3.64 based on 7.2 thousand ratings |
Ranking | Not ranked |
Version | 1.5.0 |
APK size | 29.7 MB |
Number of libraries | 6 |
Designed for Android | 4.0+ |
Maturity | Medium Maturity |
Ads | Contains ads |
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Downloads over time
Small People House Decoration has been downloaded 1.5 million times. Over the past 30 days, it averaged 38 downloads per day.
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EmbedComments for Android
I like that game! I like That! SUPER COOL! SUPER COOL! I can decorate my house! And put furniture! And people that was cool! And pretty app!
I love the people and the furniture and that's all!!!😊😊😊😊🐰🐇😶😶 thank you!!!😍😍😍😍
But l love this game that's I'll💪🚲🌭👩🏫😆😂📞 thank you 😍🤩😶😶🥳🤭
I hope your will undersand what I mend this fix it now becase its so many adss and lock no many places it's just a picture and itns not one set of it I want all the places not the level
Boring game. Just the music is good and else everything is really, really boring
This game is very bad don't download this game
This is a bad game because has a bad sound and I will give one star
Google Play Rankings
This app is not ranked
Small People House Decoration is requesting 12 permissions and is using 7 libraries.Show details
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