127 reviews
Social Trading App
About Solexx
Solexx is an entertainment app developed
by Eaconomy.
The APK has been available since December 2023.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 31 thousand times.
It's ranked in the top 500.
It's rated 4.88 out of 5 stars, based on 130 ratings. The last update of the app was on September 25, 2024. Solexx has a content rating "Medium Maturity".
Solexx has an APK download size of 13.52 MB and the latest version available is 2.1.5. Solexx is FREE to download.
It's ranked in the top 500.
It's rated 4.88 out of 5 stars, based on 130 ratings. The last update of the app was on September 25, 2024. Solexx has a content rating "Medium Maturity".
Solexx has an APK download size of 13.52 MB and the latest version available is 2.1.5. Solexx is FREE to download.
More data about Solexx
Price | Free to download |
Total downloads | 96 thousand |
Recent downloads | 31 thousand |
Rating | 4.88 based on 130 ratings |
Ranking | Medium ranked |
Version | 2.1.5 |
APK size | 13.5 MB |
Number of libraries | ? |
Maturity | Medium Maturity |
Ads | NO ads |
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App Forex Options Option Trader Market Analysis Charts Signals Stocks Traders Stock Time Strategies Quotes Features Free Real Financial Price Technical Alerts Support Account Indicators Data Patterns Learn Experience Strategy Live Webull Including News Platform Access Recent Candlestick Tradingview Broker Ideas Indices Global Advanced Tools View
More from Eaconomy
Google Play Rating history and histogram
Downloads over time
Solexx has been downloaded 96 thousand times. Over the past 30 days, it averaged 1 thousand downloads per day.
Developer information for Eaconomy
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EmbedComments on Solexx for Android
Very lovely if you want to be profitable with trading
Download this App pay and the rest will be history
Check this app very good app easy read ams understand follow top traders
Hi. I can't create an account. I tried using different password, but it always says "password is not valid". I'm a member of economy, I used my economy email when I tried registering but when I try putting the password, it always, ALWAYS say "password is not valid". Take note: im in the sign-up section of sole xx. Can someone help me?
Since the latest update I haven't been able to access the app as it just states unknown error or invalid credentials. It hasn't been resolved, and it's been over a week of trying to escalate. When the app works it had some good features
Google Play Rankings
Top rankings
Rank | Country | Category | List |
159 | Slovakia | Entertainment | Top Free |
Ranking history in Slovakia
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Technologies used by Solexx
Solexx is requesting 11 permissions and we don't have library information (yet).Show details
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