Stellar Patrol Space Combat Si is an action game developed
by GBeeGames.
The APK has been available since June 2018.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 37 times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 3.98 out of 5 stars, based on 200 ratings.
The last update of the app was on December 19, 2018.
Stellar Patrol Space Combat Si has a content rating
Stellar Patrol Space Combat Si has an APK download size of 72.12 MB and the latest version
is 1.4.3.
Designed for Android version 4.0.3+.
Stellar Patrol Space Combat Si is FREE to download.
Stellar Patrol is a wild ride through the galaxy on a quest to save worlds, solve mysteries and to stamp out the enemies of civilization. A classic retro space sim game in the spirit of a freelancer.
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Even in its early form, this game is a much more satisfying expansion of
the idea behind their other game, Stellar Trek. It's a completely original
setting, each sector is a single star system with a star orbited by planets
(rather than a random scattering of both throughout the map), there are
asteroid belts to be avoided, ships actually try to flee when they're badly
damaged, there's a commerce and diplomacy system, there are additional
sub-missions... it's easier to find the story here than in Stellar Trek.
Some notes: I do not like the speed-related zoom-out effect. It gives me a
headache. I also think the view when motionless is way too zoomed in -
ships almost always sit well outside my field of view.
Game is great doesn't take much space, and you don't need deep pockets I really enjoy space shooters and this is one of the best great work guys can't wait to see what else you come up with
Up until the last update two days ago this game was great. Now the game will stop a few minutes after starting. The ship will not move forward, it spins in one spot. Won't fire weapons as well. I have tried everything I can include but not limited to uninstalling other apps. ***New update available, will update stars accordingly***
The game sucks I can't even move because of the joystick
I'll Rate This Better If I'd Play This Game Like Stellar Trek's Approve/Taproot, I Use My Stylus W/ The Game((s)-Both Stellar Trek Soon To Be Stellar Patrol When You Add The Third Control Option) !!! I Can't Play This Game W/ The Present Control System Setup !!! I Just Downloaded This Game Because I Got Stellar Trek !!! I Want To But Can't Use This !!! Please Program The Approve/Taproot So I Can Use & Play This Game, Please&Thank You!!! You Do That I'll Change My Stars To 5☆'s&5♡'s!!!
Google Play Rankings
This app is not ranked
Stellar Patrol Space Combat Si is requesting 6 permissions and is using 4 libraries.
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