Super Meno - Jungle Platform is an adventure game developed
by MGIF.
The APK has been available since May 2023.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 16 thousand times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.47 out of 5 stars, based on 2.3 thousand ratings.
The last update of the app was on September 10, 2024.
Super Meno - Jungle Platform has a content rating
Super Meno - Jungle Platform has an APK download size of 173.27 MB and the latest version
is 0.6.2.
Super Meno - Jungle Platform is FREE to download.
If you come looking for a game in the platform genre, give it a try for Super Meno - Jungle Platform as it is definitely a funny challenge for you .
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Comments on Super Meno - Jungle Platform for Android
I Love This Game It Reminds Me Of Super Mario Bros Please Make a sequel thanks
Extremely fun game, definitely reminds me of my childhood play Super Mario with my brothers every day. I'm just not a fan of the controls and the ads. I get it. The ads keep the game free for the user to play, but it's a tad irritating.
I've played a lot of these types of games and find myself often disappointed due to poor performance, glitches or bugs. This time, I'm happily surprised. This game incorporates old ideas with new ones, it runs smoothly, and it's just difficult enough to be interesting but not so much as to get aggravated. Also, it has a bonus wheel which is not rigged like many others. The only downside is the ad block at the bottom, but it's not as large as in many other games. It's both fun and relaxing. Thanks
This game should be called "Super Lawsuit" pretty sure the developer has never heard of "like product" And I'm guessing Nintendo has far better lawyers than this developer.
If you don't like ads don't download it. It is LITERALLY ad after ad after ad. It's annoying. I just closed the game out, uninstalled, and came to write a review. It's a darn ad after every level. And when you hit to actually an ad to double your coins or get a new skin, or whatever. You watch the ad and NOTHING! You. Get. Nothing. But you are offered to WATCH ANOTHER AD 😡 This game is trash. Do better. Also, there is a game called Super Manu's World. Great game. Not many ads.
Hard to play when the advertisement bar interferes with the controls!!! That's a very negative point and area!! If the bar were smaller making control of gameplay easier, that would be most helpful!! Plus I would give you a better rating. Right now, because of that ads bar, I cannot.
Google Play Rankings for Super Meno - Jungle Platform
This app is not ranked
Technologies used by Super Meno - Jungle Platform
Super Meno - Jungle Platform is requesting 23 permissions and we don't have library information (yet).
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