WHAT'S UP is a tools app developed
The APK has been available since September 2012.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 36 thousand times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.76 out of 5 stars, based on 340 thousand ratings.
The last update of the app was on November 19, 2024.
WHAT'S UP has a content rating
WHAT'S UP has an APK download size of 59.76 MB and the latest version
is 4.49.0.
Designed for Android version 5.0+.
WHAT'S UP is FREE to download.
Download the updated WHAT’S UP App NOW, with new features and a fresh look!
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If you are in Greece 🇬🇷 and you have never used COSMOTE services in any way of communication, it means you are missing something.
Thank you for the gift I really wanted a gift can you give me again gift please 🥺 🙏
Best app ever, recommend downloading it for the free data offers
Great way to use the Greek mobile top up service. From the Corfu Tourist check out our App Corfu Travel Guide or Corfu Narrator for self-guided tours all over Corfu including The official Corfu Trail. 👍 Corfu's first and trusted Tourist application
I left 11 euro in my balance. Befor 3 days. I didn't use it for call or msg or Internet. I checked my balance today I found it 3 euro. This is stealing. You are thief. Stealing of money people. Shame one you !! Don't leave balance in your sim card. Because they will drink it and eat .they are hungry ...be careful
Well I like the 30 GB that's given to me, but give me my money back, today I put €15, and it was all taken in just a few hours, I didn't activate anything like are you guys okay? You didn't even give me time to activate a combo damn
I'm trying to swap Wht's up because I lost my old phone but I have the same number, and it keeps saing "usser already created"
Google Play Rankings
This app is not ranked
WHAT'S UP is requesting 27 permissions and is using 42 libraries.
Show details
Each subscription will automatically renew 3 days before the expiration date for
the same time period. Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time before the renewal.