Wi-Fi Analytics Tool
Amped Wireless
3,377 reviews
The Amped Wireless Wi-Fi Analytics Tool analyzes your Wi-Fi networks.
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About Wi-Fi Analytics Tool
Wi-Fi Analytics Tool is a tools app developed
by Amped Wireless.
The APK has been available since October 2011.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 1.3 thousand times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 3.32 out of 5 stars, based on 3.4 thousand ratings. The last update of the app was on February 28, 2018. Wi-Fi Analytics Tool has a content rating "Everyone".
Wi-Fi Analytics Tool has an APK download size of 696.55 kB and the latest version available is 1.2. Designed for Android version 2.0+. Wi-Fi Analytics Tool is FREE to download.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 3.32 out of 5 stars, based on 3.4 thousand ratings. The last update of the app was on February 28, 2018. Wi-Fi Analytics Tool has a content rating "Everyone".
Wi-Fi Analytics Tool has an APK download size of 696.55 kB and the latest version available is 1.2. Designed for Android version 2.0+. Wi-Fi Analytics Tool is FREE to download.
More data about Wi-Fi Analytics Tool
Price | Free to download |
Download estimate | 710 thousand |
Recent downloads | 1.3 thousand |
Rating | 3.32 based on 3.4 thousand ratings |
Ranking | Not ranked |
Version | 1.2 |
APK size | 696.6 KB |
Number of libraries | 1 |
Designed for Android | 2.0+ |
Suitable for | Everyone |
Ads | Contains ads |
Google Play Rating history and histogram
Changelog of Wi-Fi Analytics Tool
Developer information for Amped Wireless
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EmbedComments on Wi-Fi Analytics Tool for Android
Works fine for those that understand 2.4Ghz wifi.
This is a very handy tool for any IT personnel or PC hobbyist. Easier to use on the fly than Puppy Linux or Kali Linux. I bought a range extender from the company. And this app helped me debug my network topology.
Great app for quickly identifying issue with congestion on wifi channels. Would like to see it evaluate channel usage higher than 11.
Works well but says "Not Connected" even though my phone is connected.
Bad Cannot even determine whether my device is connected to the Wi-Fi network or not, more work from the development department, respectively is required. Edit: device used is Samsung Galaxy S5.
Doesn't do anything Doesn't do anything but show network and strength. Can not go to any other screen. What use is it?
App unable to even detect wifi connection on Galaxy S7 Edge. It does show signal strength of available networks, but that's it. Last update in 2012... this app is an orphan, don't bother,
Stopped working. Has not been updated in a year and a half. Does not seem to work with Android 9
Google Play Rankings for Wi-Fi Analytics Tool
This app is not ranked
Technologies used by Wi-Fi Analytics Tool
Wi-Fi Analytics Tool is requesting 8 permissions and is using 3 libraries.Show details
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