Splend Apps
We have gathered all apps together and in the information boxes to the right you can find the total number of apps, downloads, ratings of Splend Apps.
These statistics are very useful for you to answer questions about how many users Splend Apps has, what their revenue and income might be, and in general, how successful an Android developer they are.
If you have suggestions what kind of statistics you'd like to see or how we can improve, please contact us.
Splend Apps
pl. Solny 14/3
50-062 Wrocław
We've discovered 12 apps that Splend Apps published.Using the table below, you can analyze Splend Apps's Android apps and games. Click the column headers to re-sort the apps according to that column.
We provide the following columns:
- App: Name of the Android app
- Category: Name of the category of the app on Google Play
- Installs: Number of installs according to Google Play
- Recent Installs: An estimate of a fine-grained number of installs for this app (premium users only)
- Average Rating: The average rating that users gave this Android app
- Rating Count: The total number of ratings that this app has collected over its lifetime
- Launch date: When we this app was first launched on Google Play
- Last updated: When we've last seen an update to this app
- Price: The most recent price of this app on Google Play
App Installs Distribution
Splend Apps's Activity over Time
This timeline shows the activity of Splend Apps over time.The timeline below shows when Splend Apps developed and launched a new Android app or game, and every update to their apps. In addition, we track when an app gets unpublished from Google Play. AppBrain also tracks when an app becomes popular and reaches a higher level of downloads.
This timeline makes it easy for you to quickly spot when a developer became successful, when they did the most Android app development. We hope it will help you in understanding the story behind the success, and it may also allow you to estimate how important metrics like the monthly active users, revenue and income have potentially developed over time.
January 2025
December 2024
Splend Apps's Top Ranked Apps
Top 10 | Top 100 | Top 500 | |||
Chess Online & Offline |
2 | 27 | 1 | countries |
Voice Recorder Pro |
1 | 25 | 3 | countries |
Sound Decibel Meter |
0 | 22 | 7 | countries |
Flashlight |
0 | 2 | 3 | countries |
To Do List |
0 | 1 | 7 | countries |
BMI Calculator |
0 | 1 | 1 | countries |
Voice Recorder |
0 | 0 | 1 | countries |
For this table, we look at all Splend Apps's apps and where they're ranked. If an app is for instance ranking #9 in the United States, #57 in Canada and #75 in Mexico, then we would count that app as having 1 Top 10 ranking in a country and 2 Top 100 rankings (Canada and Mexico).
If you're interested in this data, we also provide a free service for tracking your Android app's ranking.