427 reviews
REAL Radioactivity counter based on a camera sensor, no extra hardware required
About Radioactivity Counter
Radioactivity Counter is a tools app developed
by Rolf-Dieter Klein.
The APK has been available since September 2011.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 6 times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.18 out of 5 stars, based on 430 ratings. The last update of the app was on May 31, 2018. Radioactivity Counter has a content rating "Everyone".
Radioactivity Counter has an APK download size of 2.35 MB and the latest version available is 2.1. Designed for Android version 4.0.3+. Radioactivity Counter costs $4.49 to download.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.18 out of 5 stars, based on 430 ratings. The last update of the app was on May 31, 2018. Radioactivity Counter has a content rating "Everyone".
Radioactivity Counter has an APK download size of 2.35 MB and the latest version available is 2.1. Designed for Android version 4.0.3+. Radioactivity Counter costs $4.49 to download.
More data about Radioactivity Counter
Price | $4.49 |
Total downloads | 24 thousand |
Recent downloads | 6 |
Rating | 4.18 based on 430 ratings |
Ranking | Not ranked |
Version | 2.1 |
APK size | 2.35 MB |
Number of libraries | 1 |
Designed for Android | 4.0.3+ |
Suitable for | Everyone |
Ads | NO ads |
Alternatives for the Radioactivity Counter app
Radioactivity Counter compared with similar apps
Keywords missing from this app
Detector Emf App Hidden Magnetic Meter Spy Field Metal Electromagnetic Find Infrared Finder Free Easily Cameras Work Electronic Detection Application Nuclear Radiations Detecting Ultimate Time Readings Features Level Accurate Fields Levels Show Metals User Objects Easy Feature Privacy
More from Rolf-Dieter Klein
Google Play Rating history and histogram
Downloads over time
Radioactivity Counter has been downloaded 24 thousand times. Over the past 30 days, it has been downloaded 6 times.
Changelog of Radioactivity Counter
Developer information for Rolf-Dieter Klein
Dipl. Ing. Rolf-Dieter Klein
Strassbergerstr. 34
80809 Munich
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EmbedComments on Radioactivity Counter for Android
I compared the readings from this app to my GMC-300E Geiger counter and the readings were accurate within a margin of error +/- .003 given a top end cpm count of 2000 or 50 mR/h. I duplicated these results 12 times over 3 hours. I took the advice of other users and placed 2 black duct tape strips over the camera, so only gamma rays could penetrate to affect the sensors. This is very accurate, and I would absolutely recommend this product.
It Works! I have worked in the nuclear energy field for 25 years, with a specialty in radiation protection. I initially laughed at the idea of a smartphone being used to detect and measure radiation. I was wrong! Although this doesn't respond in the same range as your typical "Geiger" counter, it does respond to radiation linearly at levels greater than approximately 2 mrem/hr (100x average background) to 200 mrem/hr. Most people do not have access to rad sources, so many will probably assume that it doesn't work.
Didn't work on Nexus 4, no reply to emails I bought the $4+ app, and installed it to a Nexus 4 with the back lens cover covered with 2 pieces of black electrical tape. I borrowed a real Geiger counter and some radioactive samples that read about 10-20x above background when very close to the sensor. One was tested even though a thin metal lid with both this app (and nexus 4) as well as the real Geiger counter. After following the instructions and allowing the app to calibrate, it settled on a background count around 20 (I tried it several times, and it was roughly 20 each time). The app does mention something about a 60-minute test but no amount of searching would allow me to figure out how to change that time. After calibrating (~20), tried detecting the samples. What would normally take the Geiger counter from ~20 cpm to ~500 cpm took this app from 20 up to 26. It is barely statistically significant. Reviewed the website, noting I should have had more than enough sensitivity to detect this. After failing to get useful results, I sent 2 emails to the developer from their site. Their site asks you to email them before you give them a one-star rating. After no reply in 2+ wks. (still nothing) I rated.
Google Play Rankings for Radioactivity Counter
This app is not ranked
Technologies used by Radioactivity Counter
Radioactivity Counter is requesting 10 permissions and is using 3 libraries.Show details
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