834 reviews
RunnerUp - an open source GPS tracker with advanced workout and audio cues.
About RunnerUp
RunnerUp is a health & fitness app developed
by Jonas Oreland.
The APK has been available since April 2013.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 260 times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.29 out of 5 stars, based on 830 ratings. The last update of the app was on June 14, 2024. RunnerUp has a content rating "Everyone".
RunnerUp has an APK download size of 9.61 MB and the latest version available is Designed for Android version 4.0.3+. RunnerUp is FREE to download.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.29 out of 5 stars, based on 830 ratings. The last update of the app was on June 14, 2024. RunnerUp has a content rating "Everyone".
RunnerUp has an APK download size of 9.61 MB and the latest version available is Designed for Android version 4.0.3+. RunnerUp is FREE to download.
More data about RunnerUp
Price | Free to download |
Total downloads | 61 thousand |
Recent downloads | 260 |
Rating | 4.29 based on 830 ratings |
Ranking | Not ranked |
Version | |
APK size | 9.61 MB |
Number of libraries | 12 |
Designed for Android | 4.0.3+ |
Suitable for | Everyone |
Ads | NO ads |
Alternatives for the RunnerUp app
RunnerUp compared with similar apps
Keywords that only this app has
Runnerup Audio Cues Target Configure Upload External Applications Strava Runalyze Support Mapbox
Common keywords of similar apps
Activities Heart Rate Gps Free Stats Pace Run Workouts Map App
Keywords missing from this app
Fitness Training Workout Time Track Running Speed Maps View Bluetooth Distance Monitor Cycling Features Fit Share Zones Bike Calories Intervals Garmin Gpx Sports Zone Google Facebook Export Exercise Data Friends Graphs Pulse Activity Add Interval Walking Hiking Goals Recent
Google Play Rating history and histogram
Downloads over time
RunnerUp has been downloaded 61 thousand times. Over the past 30 days, it has been downloaded 260 times.
Changelog of RunnerUp
Developer information for Jonas Oreland
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EmbedComments on RunnerUp for Android
Thank you very much for the running app without ad/tracking/login annoyances!
The most features out there of any app. Seriously amazing. I don't need a fancy UI, and I'm ecstatic it's open source. Kudos to the author! Only feature requests would be to allow for heart rate only mode.
Runner Up has been critically useful for me to safely run at the optimum pace for my age; 63. The thing I needed was a way to get regular reports of my heart rate while running to allow me to aim for a safe maximum bpm. Runner Up absolutely nails this key need and does it very well. It set up and connected to my CooSpo chest strap heart rate monitor very easily. One thing to know is that the app critically seems to need a gps connection for the running activity.
This has many features but is really hard to use. I think I am always in warm up and no idea how to transition from warm up. The repeat on advanced mode doesn't seem to work at all. But unlike all other running apps I don't have to sign in, so I will stick with it The fact that you can't edit saved workouts is probably the single worst thing about it though
Useless junk. I need simple app to track distance, and time, and may be elevation. This app shuts itself down after 1k run. I tried many different settings, but it always thinks that I am running 1k laps, and shut itself down. There is no any help or documentation on app using on internet. Wasted several days on it, and uninstalled that junk. Additionally, it is worth to notice, it's distance measuring is quite wrong.
Looks very featureful, but the barrier for entry is a little high as a result of this. I think a UI overhaul with more basic functionality being given more priority would make the app a lot more usable for the average runner. Gone with another app for now but would love to come back and see if there are improvements.
Google Play Rankings for RunnerUp
This app is not ranked
Technologies used by RunnerUp
RunnerUp is requesting 21 permissions and is using 15 libraries.Show details
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