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Database libraries allow apps to embed and access database systems.
This overview of database SDKs provides you with the most-used and well-known database libraries like Firebase, Ormlite, greenDao and ActiveAndroid.
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A collection of libraries that help you design robust, testable, and maintainable apps.
93.92% of apps
86.69% of installs
Firebase is a mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps. It is made up of co…
89.50% of apps
80.81% of installs
Realm is a mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables.
2.76% of apps
2.66% of installs
greenDAO is a light & fast ORM solution for Android that maps objects to SQLite databases.
2.76% of apps
1.57% of installs
A robust, powerful, and very simple ORM android database library with annotation processing.
2.76% of apps
0.80% of installs
Object Relational Mapping Lite (ORM Lite) provides some simple, lightweight functionality for persi…
1.10% of apps
0.28% of installs
ActiveAndroid is an active record style ORM (object relational mapper).
1.10% of apps
0.10% of installs