0 reviews
Access your keys, as account passwords, in a practical, fast and secure way
About KeyZ - Password Manager
KeyZ - Password Manager is a productivity app developed
by marcello.dev.
The APK has been available since March 2021.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 66 times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
The app has no ratings yet. The last update of the app was on August 19, 2024. KeyZ - Password Manager has a content rating "Everyone".
KeyZ - Password Manager has an APK download size of 23.13 MB and the latest version available is 3.16.1. Designed for Android version 6.0+. KeyZ - Password Manager is FREE to download.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
The app has no ratings yet. The last update of the app was on August 19, 2024. KeyZ - Password Manager has a content rating "Everyone".
KeyZ - Password Manager has an APK download size of 23.13 MB and the latest version available is 3.16.1. Designed for Android version 6.0+. KeyZ - Password Manager is FREE to download.
More data about KeyZ - Password Manager
Price | Free to download |
Total downloads | 10 thousand |
Recent downloads | 66 |
Rating | No ratings |
Ranking | Not ranked |
Version | 3.16.1 |
APK size | 23.1 MB |
Number of libraries | 17 |
Designed for Android | 6.0+ |
Suitable for | Everyone |
Ads | Contains ads |
Alternatives for the KeyZ - Password Manager app
KeyZ - Password Manager compared with similar apps
Keywords missing from this app
Secure Vault Information Store Accounts Keeper Notes Login Online Features Lastpass Apps Devices Encrypted Personal Credentials Autofill Websites Strong Device Safe Generator Securely Cards Users Card Zoho Save Https Recent Unlimited Support Avira Wallet Details Remember Feature Accessibility Credit Boss
More from marcello.dev
Downloads over time
KeyZ - Password Manager has been downloaded 10 thousand times. Over the past 30 days, it has been downloaded 66 times.
Developer information for marcello.dev
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EmbedComments on KeyZ - Password Manager for Android
The design is very nice but I don't know how secure is this app and the level on encription.I suggest to the developer to change it to a more professional premium look.Nobody trust cartoons when is about personal data.
Google Play Rankings
This app is not ranked
Technologies used by KeyZ - Password Manager
KeyZ - Password Manager is requesting 18 permissions and is using 18 libraries.Show details
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