WifiRttScan App is a tools app developed
by Developed with Google.
The APK has been available since April 2019.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 93 times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 3.79 out of 5 stars, based on 39 ratings.
The last update of the app was on October 23, 2024.
WifiRttScan App has a content rating
WifiRttScan App has an APK download size of 12.15 MB and the latest version
is 241020-V2.12.
Designed for Android version 9.0+.
WifiRttScan App is FREE to download.
The WifiRttScan app is a research, demonstration, and testing tool for developers, vendors, universities, and more.
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Someone please tell me the routers that are compatible with rtt other than copula and google Wi-Fi. And also android device other than pixel phones.
Works great with Copula WILD boxes (with Intel AC 8260 Wi-Fi), and Google Wi-Fi boxes (Works only with APs that announce 802.11mc capability in the beacon frame).
This is the best tool for testing during Wi-Fi RTT app dev (we are making an indoor nav system). If it got a thumbs up from an MIT EE/CS prof, this is the gold standard to use. It displays nearby RTT capable APIs with measurements like range (inc mean, SD), num requests, etc. Perfect for sanity checking calculations in real space. The dev team behind this app is very responsive. I found this app on reddit and I asked which devices were supported. The team posted documentation a day later.
Anxiously awaiting industry acceptance of RTT but for now this app works as advertised. My only complaint is that the SSID list is confusing when it reports access points that don't broadcast an SSID name. It would also be nice if we could input and associate AP names with MAC’s
Cannot use the "share file" option while logging data since it always tries to send it via sms which does not support csv files? Also, app say files are saved locally on device in folders that don't exist on my Samsung.
Google Play Rankings
This app is not ranked
WifiRttScan App is requesting 6 permissions and is using 21 libraries.
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