Hercules CP Mobile is a tools app developed
by KioSoft Technologies LLC.
The APK has been available since October 2017.
In the last 30 days, the app was downloaded
about 1.6 thousand times.
It's currently not in the top ranks.
It's rated 4.53 out of 5 stars, based on 1.9 thousand ratings.
The last update of the app was on June 27, 2023.
Hercules CP Mobile has a content rating
Hercules CP Mobile has an APK download size of 22.57 MB and the latest version
Designed for Android version 4.4+.
Hercules CP Mobile is FREE to download.
ATTENTION: Only for use in participating Hercules laundry locations.
3600 S. Congress Ave., Ste O Boynton Beach, FL 33426
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No need for coins or cards. Tech that works. Easy to reload from credit card. Alerts when machine stops.
The app works well, and I am happy with it. However, when we decided to give our building's business to Hercules, they told us that they could not give us the bonus that we were receiving from our old laundry company, because it could not be done with their old card system. Now that we are using their app, which clearly shows a "bonus", they still refuse to provide it. They think that they have us locked in and don't have to provide the bonus. If they gave us back our bonus, I'd give 5*!
Very convenient way of doing laundry! I used to travel 15 minutes to a Laundromat that accepts credit cards and spent well over an hour there most of the time. My apartment switched out machines to these Hercules machines and it is so convenient. The app works wonderfully and made laundry days so much easier.
It is horrible, the app does work it does read the codes, and it says that machine does exist, when I am looking at it. The whole company is bad the card reloaded does add money to the card. The after-hours service cannot help except take the report. The worse company to have in the building. Just for the horrible time the made me have I deserved a whole year laundry free. Bad bad bad company!!!!
This app doesn't connect to the washer or dryers. This is the second time I requested a refund. Please FIX.
I added money to this app and can't wash clothes. The app will not connect to the washers or dyers in my building. Please fix.
Google Play Rankings
This app is not ranked
Hercules CP Mobile is requesting 21 permissions and is using 44 libraries.
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Each subscription will automatically renew 3 days before the expiration date for
the same time period. Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time before the renewal.