Interested in monetizing your app?
Monetize my app

AppBrain SDK
The AppBrain SDK is present in over 70,000 apps and is downloaded onto millions of phones every day. The main benefits of our SDK are:
Best-in-class monetization with our interstitial
User friendly banners for app monetization
Effective control over your app with remote settings
Integration is easy and takes less than 20 minutes
The SDK is small (< 250kb) and is thoroughly tested in the field
The only permissions needed are internet permission and access network state
Fully compatible with Google Play policy and GDPR
Works completely independent of already existing revenue models and can be combined with any other ad network
Supports Android version 4.0 and up
To get started, integrate the SDK using our 3-step integration guide.
Table of contents
- Getting started
- Ad unit overview
- Banners
- Interstitial
- ListView ads
- Extra features
- Integration with other SDKs
- Integration policy
- Javadoc
- AdId
- AdListAdapter
- AdListAdapter.AdLayoutCreator
- AdOptions
- AdOptions.ScreenType
- AdService
- AdService.BorderSize
- AdService.ReturnToAppConfig
- AdvertiserService
- AppBrain
- AppBrainBanner
- AppBrainBanner.BannerSize
- AppBrainInitProvider
- AppBrainUserData
- AppBrainUserData.Gender
- BannerListener
- InterstitialBuilder
- InterstitialListener
- InterstitialListener.InterstitialError
- KeepClass
- ReferrerReceiver
- RemoteSettings